QR Based Profile

A quick scan would give you realtime information of your students

Instant user details
Saves time
Get In Touch
Cost Efficient

No extra cost of hardware is required as the QR code gets scan by the smartphone you have.

Quick Result

Just by scanning the QR code you can get the full profile of any student

Easy Access

Get all the details of any user with a hassle free scan.

No Hardware

No Dependence of scanning devices.

QR Code based Profile Scanning

ScholarSYS QR Code based User Profile Software

ScholarSYS institute management system has come with the upgraded technology of Getting the details on Smartphone of any student while scanning the QR Code. Through this QR scanning system, the Institute Head can get full details of students like attendance, fees history and emergency contact details.

With such a facility in our institute management system the institute head can even call the parents of the students directly from their mobile, whenever needed. These days the companies are using such tools to make the work as easy and hassle free as possible for an institute. Incorporating such tools in the school ERP helps the management to use the systems effectively and efficiently with no cost associated with it.

Use Smart QR Technology to get user profile instantly.

Features of using ScholarSYS QR Code based User Profile

1.Student details - With a single scan the institute head can get all the details of the student that the school must have added in the institute management system including the attendance, fees history, classroom, roll no. & parent contact details.

2.Emergency contact - In case of any emergency institute head can get the parent's contact number of the student which they must have added in School Management Software, immediately by scanning the QR code. They can directly call the parents by their mobile than.

3.Fees history - The school management can get the details of an individual's fees history by just scanning the QR code of that particular child. How much the student has paid, how much is the current due and how much is the total due. Every detail regarding the fees can be extracted from here. Even the fees receipts of the fees payment made by the school management software can be viewed.

4.Mobile scanner - Instead of requiring a chunky hand-held scanner to scan and get the details of the students, our school management software offers such a feature in which you can scan the QR code from your own smartphone and get all the details required.

5.Economical - Creating a QR code is cost free and as no hardware is required for the same, this tool becomes cost free.

6.No maintenance - As the QR code gets scan through the smartphone and you don't require any machine to scan the same, no maintenance cost would occur in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

QR Codes are mainly used to extract the information of the users.
This facility is only available on mobile app.
No, you can scan the code by the mobile app itself.
No, QR codes are auto generated.
No, QR Code does not expire and there is no limit on the number of scans for your QR Code.
Main admin would be having the default right to access the same and he can assign the rights to other roles with which they can have the access to the same.