School bus tracking system with App

A secure & Safe system which enables to track live vehicles

No Hassle of Lack
No Awaiting of Vehicle
Get In Touch
Enhance security

Student safety is great amplify with real-time tracking.

Ensure compliance

In some city government and education, the board has made mandatory for the Educational Institute to install GPS tracking device in their buses.

Allow access to Parents

Parents can access the live location of their child school vehicle on their smartphone.

Live tracking

Continuous monitoring is provided by the software on the smartphone.

ScholarSYS School Bus Gps Tracking System:

ScholarSYS Transportation Module gives a speedy and secure way to track the location of all your school vehicles that ferry students to and from the school.

We provide an advanced School Bus Gps Tracking System which is being fitted in every school vehicles which allows school authorities to view the location of the vehicles from their smartphone. Additionally, Parents can likewise track the School Bus through ScholarSYS School Mobile App, they can see their bus live location of through ScholarSYS GPS.

Enable your school buses with GPS tracking to make your school administrators and parents life easy .

Features of using ScholarSYS Vehicle Tracking System

The ScholarSYS vehicle tracking system has a user-friendly interface.

The user can view the tracking of school vehicle in their Android Phone

School Bus Live tracking on standard map.

Administrator dashboard for clear visibility of get/drop route, get/drop time, vehicle speed, kilometer travelled, traveled time and stoppage.

Generate the report of Trip, Number of student on Pick up drop, Departure, Arrival, Vehicle most extreme speed, Travelled kilometer, Traveled time and many more

Generate the report of driver,s efficiency of driving school vehicle like average speed, maximum speed, and Over speed.

Parent will be notified on their Mobile Application about for get and drop notified.

Administrative can get the route detail report and even can view the route replay detail also.

Benefits of using ScholarSYS Vehicle Tracking System

Parents can have peace of mind by monitoring the travel status of their child.

Detect the school vehicle using mobile phones to get the latest travel location.

Through ScholarSYS School Mobile App, parents notify about the vehicle delay or early arrivals.

Parents will be notified as whenever vehicle will leave for there stoppage.

Frequently Asked Questions

GPS device is connected with the internet and data of each machine will reflect on ScholarSYS Server.
Yes, Once the internet is connected with the device, your data will be transfer to the server and it will reflect on the system.
No such limitation, the device can be installed in any vehicle bus, School Van, School Auto etc.
Yes, an institute can hide from parents if they wish too.
Internet will provide through mobile SIM Card.
No, it is included in Annual Maintenance Charges.