Student Tracking System

Student tracking is an important task for schools and parents to ensure student safety in and out of the school premises. The ScholarSYS school ERP software offers the student tracking system that allows schools in India to track the location of their students and staff, where they get on board, and where they are dropped off.

The student tracking software is connected to the ScholarSYS Driver's app. Using this application, the school bus driver or conductor can send alerts to the school as well as the parents about the student's position.

Key Benefits of Student Tracking System

The student tracking system in ScholarSYS school management software offers you many advantages, some of which are mentioned below.

  • Timely alerts of student activity on and off-board.
  • Notifications when the students do not board the vehicle.
  • Pick-up and drop-off points to improve safety.
  • Alerts when students decide to alight from bus anywhere other than their designated drop-off location.
  • And more…